Case Details
Plaintiff: Gove
Defendant: Carter
Judge: Paul A. Fritzsche
County: York
Decision Date: 2001-01-08
Docket #: YORcv-98-249
Full Text: .PDF document
  The full text of this decision has been scanned in and is available as an Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) document.
M.R.S.A 14  §8102(2)(3)
M.R.S.A 14  §8103(1)
M.R.S.A 14  §8104-A
M.R.S.A 14  §8104-B
M.R.S.A 14  §8104-B(3)
M.R.S.A 14  §8111(1)
M.R.S.A 14  §8116

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